Sunday, September 8, 2013

Text Editor Selection and Creating my basic HTML website.

   This post is in reference to my Challenge #3 Choose Your Weapon, tasks 2 and 3. For those of you who may be reading this post first please go back and read my first several posts. For more information about's free school of Webcraft please visit P2PUs School of Webcraft.

   I've tried various text editors when I first started playing around with web hosting years ago. To date I've used Notepad, Coffee Cup, various other free ones on the web, OpenOffice Suite, and I recently stumbled upon a really cool text editor called Bluefish. Out of the three I've used Bluefish is by far the coolest. It highlights the differences between different types of code with multi-colored text. Also when you're typing, it will suggest beginning and end tags and all you do is press ENTER and it will automatically input tags and all you do is type your information. All in all it's just nice. Unlike the other text editors I've tried you can save your code in different languages. In open office I could only save code in HTML or XML. Bluefish supports a lot of languages.

  Anyway, moving on...

   I made two html files. One I made to save as a basic HTML template for future use in HTML coding. The other was for the Webcraft tasks 2 and 3. When I opened my hello world.html document in my web browser, this is what I saw.


Hello world by Susie Creamcheese.

This code was written by hand. How awesome am I?



  1. Prett damn awesome.
    I've tried notepad, coffee cup etc etc but have stuck to notepad. Ill have to give bluefish a try. cheers!

  2. Thanks Kirsty! I liked CoffeeCup. I'm just glad there's a ton of options out there so everyone can find what is best for them. One thing I read about Bluefish is that there's I think an optional tool or plugin rather you can download or use called Emmet or formerly zen-coding, where it will convert css code into html with a few clicks making coding faster. Pretty cool. I think it's not limited to Bluefish though but it's also available in a bunch of text editors now. Thanks so much for stopping by, you're my first commentator.
